Libralex Corporate Identity (CI) components
Materials presented on the Libralex meeting in Malmö, September 19-20, 2014.
EU Regulation no. 650/2012 in matters of succession and on the creation of European Certificate of Succession
Some choices must be made before it applies as of 17 August 2015.
EU: Jurisdiction in cross-border e-commerce with consumers (2nd up-date): your website may become a night-mare
The ECJ had decided on 7 December 2010 two cases concerning the jurisdiction in cross-border e-commerce with consumers and later decided on some remaining details…
Report on the Law Decree No. 132 of September 12, 2014
Report entered into force on September 13, 2014 issued by the Italian Government to introduce modifications in the Italian Civil procedure to reduce the duration of civil cases.
The Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters
The submitted document shall provide the Members of Libralex E.E.I.G. a general overview of The Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matter.
Class actions in Europe and the United States
The publication contains a collection of articles describing the current state of the law in Europe and in the United States.
Bringing Your Business to the UK
The Guide outlines the different business mediums available to a foreign corporation or firm wishing to set up in the UK.
Islamic Finance and the UK
This note sets out to describe some of the ways in which the United Kingdom government has tried to make London a more attractive financial centre for Islamic money.
The New UK Bribery Act 2010
This article describes some of the international moves to combat corruption, the lead given by the United States which passed the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act…
EU: The impact of the EU Mediation Directive 2008/52/EC
The European Parliament adopted in 2008 Directive 2008/52/EC on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters (“the Directive”).
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