AI and ECJ – two focal issues of the International Libralex Conference on 02/24 and 02/25/2023 in Luxembourg
Published on 1 March 2023. On February 24 and 25, 2023, the first Libralex conference of the year 2023 took place in Luxembourg. This time, the network conference focused on issues of artificial intelligence (AI) as well as on working methods, cases and decisions of...
Libralex Conference in Luxembourg on 02/24 and 02/25/2023
Published on 22 February 2023. The next international Libralex conference will take place in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on February 24 and 25, 2023. The agenda of the two-day conference, which this time will be organized by the Libralex partner law firm Moyse &...
AI Image Wars: the Battle over Copyright Images Reaches the Courts
Published on 1 February 2023. Photo licensing agency Getty Images is suing Stability AI for copyright infringement. The news comes after three artists filed papers in the US District Court of California allege that UK company Stability AI (and Ors), which uses...
Consumer protection from Nifty sales of NFT’s? Think before you click!
Published on 11 November 2022. A new challenge to English consumer protection law is in the making for international online auction platforms selling decentralized and anonymized assets such as NFTs and other crypto assets to English consumers. The recent case of...
Reichweite des Schutzes von Hinweisgebern: Fristlose Kündigung eines Arztes nach Whistleblowing vom EGMR bestätigt
Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) hielt in einem Urteil vom 16.02.2021 (Az. 23922/19 - Gawlik vs. Liechtenstein) die fristlose Kündigung eines Arztes für gerechtfertigt, der seinen Vorgesetzten, den behandelnden und leitenden Chefarzt des...
Internationale Datentransfers: EU-Kommission veröffentlicht neue Standardvertragsklauseln
Die EU-Kommission hat heute die lang ersehnte neue Version der Standardvertragsklauseln (Standard Contractual Clauses, SCC) veröffentlicht: European Commission adopts new tools for safe exchanges of personal data. (Über den bereits am 13.11.2020 veröffentlichen...
The impact of Brexit on court decisions
The Brussels 1 bis Regulation, which entered into force in January 2015, facilitated the free movement of court decisions in civil and commercial matters, abolishing in particular exequatur procedures. Due to Brexit, the European regulatory framework no longer...
BREXIT – OVERALL IMPACT A Portuguese Perspective
On February, 1st of 2020, the United Kingdom formally abandoned the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), having reached an agreement with the European institutions regarding the exiting terms. The official Exiting Agreement was published...
German Covid-19 Measures in Insolvency Law and Their Cross-Border Relevance
On 27 March 2020 measures concerning insolvency law (and other topics not dealt with in this paper) were approved by the Federal Council (where the state governments are represented) and enacted the same day by the Federal President. These changes came into force...
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