M&A trends and Artificial Intelligence – two main themes at the International Libralex Conference in Budapest on 10/25 and 10/26/2024

Published on 31 October 2024. Last weekend, the third international Libralex conference of this year took place in Budapest, Hungary. This year's autumn meeting was hosted by our Hungarian Libralex member law firm Szecskay Attorneys at Law. Almost...

Libralex Conference in Budapest on 10/25 and 10/26/2024

Published on 22 October 2024. The representatives and members of the international law firm network Libralex meet three times a year for exclusive network meetings. After the meeting in Puebla, Mexico, at the beginning of this year and the summer...

Data (Economy) Law, Artificial Intelligence, Art Law and Litigation – some of the top topics of the International Libralex Conference in Berlin on 06/07 and 06/08/2024

Published on 14 June 2024. Last weekend, this year’s second international Libralex Conference took place in Berlin, Germany, hosted by our German Libralex member law firm Büsing Müffelmann & Theye and was attended by participants from almost 30...
July Immigration Updates: Summary

July Immigration Updates: Summary

It’s fair to say that July was a particularly busy month. Ahead of the summer recess, the Government pushed through several major changes to UK immigration and nationality law. From changes to the Student and EU Settlement Scheme rules, to expansion of eGate usage,...

Significant hike in Illegal Working and Renting Penalties

Significant hike in Illegal Working and Renting Penalties

The penalties which can be levied against employers and landlords who, respectively, employ or rent property to overseas nationals who are in the UK illegally, are to be substantially increased from 2024. The Government announced on 7 August that the hike in these...

Laytons ETL Arbitration: Meet the team

Laytons ETL Arbitration: Meet the team

Arbitration is a long-established method of international dispute resolution. Laytons’ Arbitration Team has an enviable reputation, and are delighted to present their Arbitration Team in the attached brochure. Do feel free to contact any of the Arbitration Team who...

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