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We have member law firms in major centres throughout the world with a strong presence in Europe.

International Trade

International trade is one of three special focus areas of Libralex. Our clientele, which includes international companies and public authorities as well as high net worth individuals, benefit from our networked specialized knowledge in our worldwide consulting and mediation services.


It is also in the area of investments where we provide our clientele with exclusive, high-quality access to cross-border strategic legal advice facilitated by our member law firms, which are globally represented and in constant exchange of knowledge.

Dispute Resolution

Individual legal requirements in the areas of arbitration, mediation, and dispute resolution are identified and processed in consideration of the respective national and international challenges as well as in compliance with the generally upheld values of trust and reliability.

M&A trends and Artificial Intelligence – two main themes at the International Libralex Conference in Budapest on 10/25 and 10/26/2024

Published on 31 October 2024. Last weekend, the third international Libralex conference of this...

Libralex Conference in Budapest on 10/25 and 10/26/2024

Published on 22 October 2024. The representatives and members of the international law firm...

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